So Let’s Get Started With Learning How To Write an eBook in 7 Days Or Less

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Are you ready to start creating eBooks yet?

We are up to Day 6. If you have not visited the previous 5 posts, the Blog eBook series links are above.

Today is all about  making pocket money with the monthly $20 million plus Kindle Select Fund.  Plus, showing you how profitable you can be from creating eBooks from your blog.

Don’t forget to look out for Day 7 Amazon’s other marketing and promotion tools.

What is Kindle Select Monthly Pool Fund?

You can read all about in here on Amazon’s website. Here is a quick overview.

  • KDP Select Global Fund allows authors on Amazon Kindle book stores to earn more revenue, above their daily book sales by putting their books in the Kindle Select program.
  • When you put your books into Kindle Select they automatically go into the Kindle Unlimited and the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library. People who read your books, within Kindle Select,  will give you a share of the monthly pool fund. 
  • It is currently limited to books in certain countries. However, if you’re located in the US, you can do very well depending hot how hot your book topic is.
  • You learn all about Hot Topics in the program.
  • Fiction books usually secure most of the pool fund. However, non fiction get some as well.
  • You have to be in it, to participate. Why not give it a try. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain.
  • Plus, you get to position your knowledge as an Author on Amazon. This gives you instant credibility on your blog topics and can help when applying for affiliate programs and attracting blog sponsors.
  • Are you ready to start creating eBooks to sell on Amazon yet? Make sure to grab the Blog Self-Publishing Secrets 50% coupon before it expires.

Marketing Tip: There are some restrictions that come with participating and creating eBooks hosted in Kindle Select. So you must way up the pros and cons. I highly recommend testing it with your most popular book first.

Pros to being a part of Kindle Select Program Are:

  • You get to use all of Amazon’s marketing and promotion tools. You will learn more about them in day 7.
  • Amazon likes to support those who support their platform, so you get lots of exposure when you create eBooks and sell them on their platform.
  • You get paid per page read, so make sure to create short reads, so people can consume your books faster.
  • You get paid a share of the pool fund, plus your normal book sales from the platform.
  • Lots more exposure for your book, business, brand and blog.

Things to consider before deciding to lock into Kindle Select Program:

  • When you choose to go into the program after creating your eBooks,  you are locked in for 12 weeks. After that you can choose not to roll over for another 12 weeks.
  • While you are in Kindle Select you cannot sell your book anywhere else including your own website. You give Amazon sole rights to selling your books.
  • Make sure the limitations are worth the decision. If you are getting more sales of your books each month from your own blog traffic. It may not pay to not be able to sell your book while in Kindle Select.
  • Test it with one book first. If you get lots of sales from Kindle Unlimited and the Lending Library, and your share of the pool fund, then do it. If it does not pay off, then no need to create limitations to your book sale choices.

Create your first short read eBook this weekend and give it a try with my Self Publishing Secrets program.

I also launched it for 50% off, to give you a boost to get started. This won’t last long so make sure to watch the video and check it out before it expires.


Blog Self Publishing

Frequently Asked Questions About The Pool Fund:

What is Kindle Unlimited:

Kindle Unlimited is a subscription program for readers that allows them to read as many books as they want.

What is Kindle Lending Library:

It is a collection of books that Amazon Prime members who own a Kindle can choose one book from each month with no due dates.

Can I sell physical books when I am in Kindle Select Program:

Yes, you only cannot sell digital books on any other platform including your website or blog while you are registered in the Kindle Select Program. You can un-enroll at anytime. However, you cannot resell on your own platform until your 12 week lock in time is complete.

I love creating eBooks, how many can I put into the Kindle Select Pool Fund Program?

If you love creating eBooks, then Amazon is going to love you. The more books they have, the more they can sell and the more commissions you can make. So you can have as many as you like.

For more information on Kindle Select Program you can read more here.

Blog Self Publishing


  • Create 2-3 ebooks from your most popular blog posts and topics.
  • Test one on Amazon and put it in the Kindle Select program for 12 weeks and see how it goes.
  • Put the other two eBooks on your website for your blog traffic to purchase.
  • If you already have an existing email list ask them what topic they would like to know more about.
  • Create that first and sell it to them at a crazy launch special price.
  • Test book bundles on the same topic to convert more sales
  • Rinse and repeat.

Boost Your Income In 2019 With Blog eBooks – Don’t Die Wondering – Give It A Go!

Are you ready to learn step-by-step how easy it is to do and have your first book on Amazon in the next 30 Days? Great!

Give it a try and make sure to grab the Blog Self Publishing 50% off special coupon before it expires.


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self publishing
self publishing
Pam Brossman
Pam Brossman

Be Elite Exceed Expectations!

*Note Affiliated Links Within This Post.